Thursday, February 17, 2011

Scientology=Dumbest thing ever

Church of scientology, scientologists, xenu, tom cruise (fyi, I don't capitalize proper names or places that don't deserve it), john travolta: you are stupid. L. Ron Hubbard, however, is a genius. Before starting the "church," Hubbard dabbled in the occult and then went on to write science fiction. Science FICTION. So then he comes up with this idea of dianetics, which I can almost respect, until auditing machines and xenu come into the picture. Here's what the basis of scientology is--aliens came to earth a long, long time ago, brought humans, killed them, and then their souls stayed in the ground and engulf the souls of people who are living on earth right now. Now you must wonder, how is L. Ron Hubbard the only person to have known this? Well, here's what I think: xenu and his minions must have been keeping an eye on earth, and one day he was going into the bathroom when one of his guys comes out of the can with an L. Ron Hubbard original works. Xenu is all "hey guy, what you got there?" Xenu takes the book, reads it, falls in love with it, and decides that L. Ron Hubbard is going to be the one person on earth that he is going to let in on his little secret. This is obviously the only plausible reason for how this got started.

So a lot of people might wonder why celebrities are so into such a crazy "religion." It's because scientology exploits their stupidity and their vanity to take their money. It costs so much money to become a member, get the literature, be audited and who better to utilize this than the wealthy? Scientology says that actors and people in the entertainment industry are the best out of society and that they are the closest to understanding xenu and essentially their version of nirvana. Yup, Lisa Marie Presley who has done pretty much nothing but be born famous and then marry/divorce/marry/divorce famous is better than all of us lowly middle class folks. They're just trying to get famous people in, so that non-famous people will join and blow all their money on this crap. This is why L.Ron Hubbard is a genius. Note to self: find stupid people, make something up, exploit them for lots and lots of money.

I've read a lot about scientology just because it's weird, and all of this could be false because it is such a secretive organization. They're just trying to get more of your money, people. It's not a religion, it's a cult, and it needs to be recognized as such. I believe that people who are scientologists are the dregs of society.

Conclusion: scientology is stupid and someone needs to kick its ass.

*Note: I am very respectful of other people's religions, unless it happens to be scientology.

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